
Once you've installed the VestiPOS application and opened the cash drawer session you are ready to process your first sale.

Processing a sale

Clicking on your name in the Staff Sign On page will take you to the main ePOS screen. This screen has Quick Buttons to allow you to add items, and a sales table showing the items that have been added.

Adding items

To add the items, tap the appropriate Quick Button and the item will be added to your sale.

Making payment

Once you have added all the required items to the sale perform the following steps to complete payment.

  1. Tap the 'Add Payment' button.

  2. Select the payment type you wish to tender.
  3. Enter the payment amount. You can either enter the amount on the number pad or tap one of the pre-defined amounts.
  4. Tap the 'Add Payment' button.

  5. If the payment does not cover the outstanding balance, you will be returned to the sale screen where you can repeat the above steps to add additional payment.
  6. Once payment is completed you will be shown the sale completed screen. This will display any change that is due back to the customer.

  7. Tap the 'Next Sale' button to process another sale.