
We have built in support for adding either a percentage or a fixed value discount to a sale. You should use this functionality when you wish to discount the sale as a whole. Examples may this occur are:

  • Applying a 10% student discount
  • Running a promotion such as where you give £10 off a sale when the customer spends over £100

You should not use the discounting functionality if you are reducing the price of a specific item. For example selling an ex-display product at a reduced cost. In these situations, you should reprice the specific item instead.

Discount Categories

Each discount must be logged against a Discount Category. This allows you to report on your discounts grouped by the specific reason. Example discount categories may be:

  • Staff Discount
  • Student Discount
  • Damaged Goods

Creating a Discount Category

  1. Navigate to: Settings -> Configuration -> Reporting.

  2. Navigate to the "Discount Categories" section.
  3. Click the "+ Add New" button at the bottom of the list.

  4. Enter the name for your new Discount Category.

  5. Click the "Save..." button.

Editing a Discount Category

  1. Navigate to: Settings -> Configuration -> Reporting.

  2. Navigate to the "Discount Categories" section.
  3. Click on the edit icon next to the category you wish to rename.

  4. Enter the new name for your new category.

  5. Press the "Save..." button.

Deleting a Discount Category

  1. Navigate to: Settings -> Configuration -> Reporting.

  2. Navigate to the "Discount Categories" section.
  3. Click on the delete icon next to the relevant category.

  4. When prompted, confirm you wish to proceed with the deletion.

Applying a discount to a sale

  1. Tap the 'Functions' button from the sales screen.

  2. Tap the 'Add Discount' button.

  3. Select either Fixed or Percentage.
  4. Select a Discount Category.
  5. Enter the discount amount.
  6. Tap the 'Add Discount' button.

  7. The discount will be applied to the sale and the balance reduced accordingly.

Note: Staff members require the Discount privilege. 

Voiding a Discount

  1. Tap on the discount you wish to void from the sales screen.

  2. Tap the 'Void' button.


  • You can monitor and track discounts using the Sales Discount report.
  • The "Management Report" shows all discounts grouped by category.