Once you have closed a Cash Drawer Session you'll need to record the figures of the money you actually have. This will flag up any differences between what the system is expecting and what you physically have. We strongly recommend doing at minimum on a daily basis for each iPad you use.It's also possible to post your reconciliation from the management portal. Click here for instructions.Posting a reconciliation from your iPad
- Within the VestiPOS app, sign on as your staff account. Note: Your account will need the Register Manager privilege in order to post reconciliations.
- Tap the 'Quick Pad' icon.
- Navigate to "Main Menu -> Reconciliations".
- You will see a list of the recent sessions within your account. Select the one which you wish to reconcile:
- In the payment lines section you should enter the actual figures for the money you have taken into the middle column. For cash this would be the total money in the cash drawer minus any float. For card payments this would be the total read off your card machine.
- The third column (highlighted in green) shows the difference between what the system is expecting and the figures you have entered. Ideally this would always be zero. You should set a threshold where any total variances that exceed your threshold require further investigation.
- Once you have entered all your actual values and are happy with all variances press the "Post Reconciliation" button.
- A confirmation dialogue will show. Again verify you are happy with the variance total by pressing the "Yes" button.
- You will be returned to the list screen once your reconciliation has successfully posted.
- Congratulations! You have just posted a reconciliation.