
Every transaction is linked to what we call a "Cash Drawer Session". This allows you to keep an accurate audit trail. Cash Drawer Session's are unique to each terminal and can be opened and closed at any time.

We strongly recommend closing every Cash Drawer Session at the end of each day. This helps you to keep track of your money and help spot any discrepancies.

Starting a new Cash Drawer Session

  1. Within the VestiPOS app, sign on as your staff account. Note: Your account will need the Register Manager privilege in order to start a new session.
  2. If you do not currently have an open session the screen below will show. Tap the 'Start new session...' button.
  3. Your session has now been started and you can process sales.

Closing a Cash Drawer Session

Once all of the sales for the day have been completed you can close your Cash Drawer Session.

  1. Within the VestiPOS app, sign on as your staff account. Note: Your account will need the Register Manager privilege in order to post reconciliations.
  2. Tap the 'Quick Pad' icon.
  3. Tap the 'End of Day' button.
  4. If you currently have an open session, it will show at the top of the list (highlighted in green). Tap the row to select it.
  5. A confirmation screen will show. Press the "Yes" button to end the current session.

    If there is any reason why the current session cannot be shown it will be shown here. Please see the relevant section below for further help in this instance.

  6. The session will be closed and the iPad will return to the reconciliation list. You should now post a reconciliation for the session. Click here to read our support guide on this.

Closing Cash Drawer Session Troubleshooting

Occasionally you will need to resolve an error before being able to close a Cash DrawerSession. If this is the case an alert is shown when you try to end the session. The alert will explain why you can not close the session:

  • Staff member has an open sale - One of the members of staff has an uncompleted sale. To clear this you will need to go to the Staff Sign On screen, select the member of staff and void or cash off the sale. If the sale is blank, then void the sale and you will be able to close the session.
  • Un-synced sales - Some of the sales may not have made it to the management portal. To do this the iPad needs to be connected to the internet. Please check your internet connection. Once connected it may take a few minutes to sync the sales. Once this is complete, you will be able to close the session.