A credit account allows you to record account payments against a customer account. You can also set a credit limit on a customer account to support deferred payments. Some examples of where you may use credit accounts are:
- A retail store that allows a customer to pay for all their goods at the end of the month.
- A restaurant that wants to record deposit payment against a customer. The deposit can then be later redeemed against a sale.
- A coffee shop which wants to operate a top-up account. The customer can load their account with credit and then charge all their sales to their account.
To use customer accounts you must first:
- Create a Payment Type called "Account". Note: the name is case sensitive and must exactly match.
- Create an Item called "Account".
- Create an Option under the "Account" Item called "Top-Up".
- The SKU of the Option must be set to "ACCOUNTTOPUP".
Creating a Credit Account
- Create a customer account by following our guide here.
- Set the "Credit Account" switch to On.
- Press the "Save..." button.
Negative Balances
To allow a negative balance on an account, set the "Credit Limit" field on the customer account to the allowed limit. For example, to allow the customer to be £100.00 in credit set the value to 100.00.
Charging a Sale to a Credit Account
- Start a new sale
- Add the items which you wish to charge to the customer account
- Assign the sale to the customer account you wish to charge against (see Customers guide)
- Tap the “Add Payment” button.
- Tap the "Account" button.
- Enter the amount you wish to charge to the customers account and tap "Confirm".
Top-Up a Credit Account
- Start a new sale
- Tap the “+ Add Customer” button
- Search for the customer account you wish to top-up
- Tap the "Details >" button
- Tap the "ooo" button in the top right
- Tap the "Top-Up Credit Account" button
- When prompted enter the amount which you are crediting the account by
- Tap the “Add Payment” button and complete as if it were a normal sale
Important: Do not other any other items to a sale when processing a top-up.
- You can view all the customer transactions in a given period by running the "Account Transactions" report.