
Our accountancy integrations allow you to automate repetitive book keeping tasks, freeing up your time to grow your business. For more details on how our accountancy integrations work please see our overview article.


Before connecting your accounts we suggest you:

  • Create a customer in ClearBooks called "VestiPOS Sales". This is the customer we will use to post your sales invoices against.
  • Create a clearing account in ClearBooks for each payment type you have in VestiPOS. For example "Cash (Clearing)" and "Card (Clearing)". Payments recorded within VestiPOS will be made to this clearing account. When the funds then clear in your bank account you should record them as a transfer from the relevant clearing account.
  • Create an account in ClearBooks to record any discount rounding against. For example "Rounding".
  • Create an account in ClearBooks to record reconciliation variances against. For example "Reconciliation Variances".
  • Retrieve your API key from ClearBooks. (At time of publishing this was available from within ClearBooks at: Settings -> API -> API Key)

Connect your account

  1. In VestiPOS navigate to: Settings -> Integrations -> ClearBooks -> Settings
  2. Turn the "Enabled" switch on.
  3. Enter your ClearBooks API key into the relevant field.

  4. Click the "Save..." button.
  5. Populate the required form fields.
    Default customer - select the ClearBooks customer you wish sale invoices to post against. For example the "VestiPOS Sales" customer.
    Sales account - select the ClearBooks account which invoice lines should post against by default. You can override this at a category group level if required (see below).
    Payments account - select the ClearBooks account which payments should be posted to by default. You can override this at a payment type level (see below).
    Service Charge - The ClearBooks account to post service charge (gratuity) to. If you do not use service charge within VestiPOS set this to your default sales account.
    Discount Rounding - Occasionally there may be small fractional adjustments required when posting your discounts through to ClearBooks. These will be posted to the ClearBooks account selected here.
    Variances - Any variances recorded within a VestiPOS reconciliation will be posted to the ClearBooks account selected here.

  6. Click the "Save..." button.

Set Payment Types Accounts

We strongly recommend linking each payment type you have in VestiPOS to a unique clearing account within ClearBooks. Keeping the accounts separate allows you to keep better track of money clearing into your bank account and identify any discrepancies. Once you have created your clearing accounts in ClearBooks you should link your payment types in VestiPOS by:

  1. Navigate to: Settings -> Configuration -> Payments & Tax

  2. Click on the Edit icon next to the payment type you wish to configure.

  3. In the dialogue window, select the ClearBooks account you wish to link this payment type to.

  4. Click the "Save..." button.
  5. Repeat the above steps for each payment type.

Customise Sales accounts

By default, when posting a sales invoice to ClearBooks each sales line will be posted against the "Sales account" selected on the ClearBooks configuration page. It's possible to customise this, so that different Categories in VestiPOS post to unique sales accounts in ClearBooks. For example you could post your "Drinks" and "Food" sales to different ClearBook sales accounts.

  1. Navigate to: Settings -> Configuration -> Reporting

  2. Click on the Edit icon next to the category you wish to configure.

  3. In the dialogue window, select the ClearBooks sales account you wish to link this category to.

  4. Click the "Save..." button.
  5. Repeat the above steps for each category group.

Posting Customer Sales

By default, sales which have been assigned to a VestiPOS customer will be posted in the single generic invoice which is created for a reconciliation. If you'd prefer these invoices to post separately to the relevant ClearBooks customer then:

  1. In VestiPOS, navigate to: Customers -> Select your customer

  2. Set the "External Account Code" field to the corresponding ClearBooks customer.

  3. Click the "Save..." button.

Going forward, sales for this customer will now be posted individually against the selected ClearBooks customer.