Employee Shifts allow you to track the hours worked by the staff in your business. Your employees simply 'Clock In' at the start of their shift and then 'Clock Out' at the end of the shift. They can also record any breaks taken.Within the Management Portal you can "Approve" the shifts logged by your employee's and report on the total hours worked. You can then use this for your payroll.
Clocking In
- Sign in as the Employee you wish to Clock In.
- Tap the "Clocked Out" button.
- Set the time you wish to Clock In from.Note: We save a picture for your reference to ensure your staff are physically there when clocking in. We also record the actual time at which the event is logged.
- Tap the "Clock In" button.
- The "Clocked Out" button should change to "Clocked In".You are now successfully clocked in.
Recording a Break
- Sign in as the Employee you wish to record a break for.
- Tap the "Clocked In" button.
- Set the time you wish to start your break from.
- Tap the "Start Break" button.
- The "Clocked In" button should change to "On Break".
- When you have finished your break, tap the "On Break" button.
- Set the time you finished your break.
- Tap the "End Break" button.
- The "On Break" button should change to "Clocked In".
Note: You can record multiple breaks within a shift.
Clocking Out
- Sign in as the Employee you wish to Clock Out.
- Tap the "Clocked In" button.
- Set the time you wish to Clock Out.
- Check the displayed shift and break times are correct.
- Tap the "Clock Out" button.
- The "Clocked In" button should change to "Clocked Out".
You are now successfully clocked out.
Shift Approval
- In the Management Portal, navigate to: Employee Shifts -> Awaiting Approval
- Click either the "Approve" or "Reject" button next to each shift as appropriate.Note: You can click on the eye icon to view the verification photo taken.
- All approved shifts will be showing in the "Employee Shifts Report". When you have no shifts awaiting approval the following screen will be shown.
When a shift is incorrectly entered, you should reject it from the shift approval screen.
If a user forgets to record a shift, they can retrospectively record shifts by following the same clocking in and out steps above. A historic date can be selected when clocking in and out for this purpose.
- In the Management Portal, navigate to: Employee Shifts -> Report
- Select the location you wish to view shifts for.
- Select a date range to view shifts for.
- Click the "Run..." button.
- All approved shifts will be shown, broken down by employee. The total number of shifts and hours worked will also be shown for each employee.