
You can automatically email your customers a copy of their receipt. A great way to build up your customer database.


  1. Navigate to: Settings -> Integrations -> System Emails -> Settings
  2. Set the required fields.
  3. If you wish to receive a copy of each email, enter your email address in the "BCC Address" field.
  4. Click the "Save..." button.

Advanced: Using your own SendGrid account

SendGrid is an email delivery platform. VestiPOS can optionally use your own SendGrid account to send your emails. This will allow you to customise information such as the from address and view detailed reporting. To link your SendGrid account:
  1. Signup for an account at https://sendgrid.com/
  2. Generate an API key from within your SendGrid account.
  3. In VestiPOS, navigate to: Settings -> Integrations -> System Emails -> Settings
  4. Activate the "Use SendGrid" switch.
  5. Enter your SendGrid API Key, From Address & From Name.
  6. Click the "Save..." button.

Sending a receipt to a customer

  1. Process your sale as normal.
  2. Assign the sale to an existing customer or create a new one.
  3. Switch the "Email Receipts" field on within the customer details screen.
  4. Ensure the customer has a valid email address set.
  5. Complete the sale. The receipt will be automatically emailed shortly after.